Study of Neurological Complications in Children with COVID-19 (SNaCCC)

Participating Sites and Research Team

Research Team

Dr. Rishi Ganesan
Dr. Patricia Fontela
Dr. Conall Francoeur
Dr. Nadia Roumeliotis
Dr. Fiona Muttalib

British Columbia
BC Children’s Hospital (Vancouver)

Alberta Children’s Hospital (Calgary)
Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton)

Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital (Saskatoon)

The Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg

Children's Hospital London Health Sciences Centre (London)
McMaster Children’s Hospital (Hamilton)
The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottawa)
Kingston Health Sciences Centre (Kingston)

CHU Sainte-Justine (Montreal)
Montreal Children’s Hospital
CHU de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke)
CHU de Quebec l‘Universite de Laval (Quebec City)

Nova Scotia
IWK Health Centre (Halifax)

Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre (St. John’s)

What Do We Want To Know?

We would like to know how frequently and what brain-related complications occur in children who were infected with COVID-19 compared to that in children infected with other viruses.

How Are We Doing It?

We will be using data collected from the POPCORN COVID Cohort Study to identify those with brain-related complications. We will then collect additional information regarding their clinical presentation, brain imaging and other complications from patient medical records.

How Is The Study Going?

The study is expected to begin in Fall 2024!

 Who Is Included?

Patients who are included in the POPCORN COVID Cohort Study and have brain complications due to either COVID-19 or another viral illness.

Image of science/lab equipment